Exact Results in Quantum Theory

Ścisłe rezultaty teorii kwantów


prof. dr hab. Jan Dereziński
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Meissner
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Pachucki
dr Wojciech Kamiński
dr inż. Tymon Kilich
<-- Pasteura 5, room 1.40, Fridays 14:15 - < 16:00 -->
The "Exact Results in Quantum Theory" seminar serves as a platform for exchanging ideas between various branches of mathematical and theoretical physics. In the academic year 2024/25, it focuses on methods of relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics in multi-particle systems. The seminar aims to bring together diverse scientific communities to critically examine existing computational methods based on the multi-particle Dirac equation, with the ultimate goal of constructing a QED theory that accounts for correlations in atomic systems.

Detailed description of the seminar

The seminar series "Exact Results in Quantum Theory" (colloquially called "Exakty" in Polish) was started in the early 21st century by Jan Dereziński and Krzysztof Meissner, as a platform for the exchange of ideas between various branches of mathematical and theoretical physics. The name has not been chosen at random: the word "exact" does not necessarily mean "rigorous", however it implies our appreciation of exact computations and mathematically sophisticated structures in physics.

In the academic year 2024/25 Krzysztof Pachucki joins the organizing committee of the seminar. Using his expertise and guidance, we organize talks and discussions about methods of relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics used in multi-particle systems. We plan to confront various scientific communities interested in this topic, including theoretical chemists, mathematical physicists, and physicists dealing with quantum field theory. Our aim is to understand the status of computational methods based on the multi-particle Dirac equation, which, without proper physical foundations, are commonly used to describe atoms and molecules, with the ultimate goal to construct quantum electrodynamic theory of correlated atomic systems.

Besides Dereziński, Meissner and Pachucki the organizing committee includes Wojciech Kamiński. His interests and expertise include quantum field theory on curved spacetimes and general relativity.

We invite everyone interested in theoretical and mathematical physics to attend the seminar. Some of the talks will be given online – we warmly welcome participants from outside Warsaw to attend.

Polski opis seminarium

Ścisłe Rezultaty Teorii Kwantów

Historia seminariów "Ścisłe Rezultaty Teorii Kwantów" (zwana potocznie "Exakty") została rozpoczęta w początkach XXI wieku przez Jana Derezińskiego i Krzysztofa Meissnera, jako platforma dla wymiany idei między różnymi gałęziami fizyki teoretycznej i matematycznej. Warto podkreślić, że angielska nazwa seminarium zawiera słowo "Exact", a nie "Rigorous", co wskazuje na to, że bardziej niż formalną ścisłość cenimy tu dokładne obliczenia i wyrafinowane struktury matematyczne w fizyce.

W roku akademickim 2024/25 do komitetu organizacyjnego seminarium dołącza Krzysztof Pachucki. Korzystając z jego ekspertyzy i zaangażowania organizujemy wykłady i dyskusje o metodach relatywistycznej mechaniki kwantowej oraz elektrodynamiki kwantowej wykorzystywane w układach wielu ciał. Planujemy skonfrontować różne środowiska naukowe zainteresowane tym tematem, takie jak chemików teoretycznych, fizyków matematycznych i fizyków zajmujących się kwantową teorią pola. Chcielibyśmy zrozumieć status metod obliczeniowych opartych na wielociałowym równaniu Diraca, które, mimo braku zadowalających podstaw fizycznych, jest powszechnie używane do opisu atomów i cząsteczek. Dalekosiężnym naszym celem jest konstrukcja teorii skorelowanych układów atomowych opartej na elektrodynamice kwantowej.

Poza Derezińskim, Meissnerem i Pachuckim komitet organizacyjny obejmuje Wojciecha Kamińskiego. Do jego zainteresowań i ekspertyzy należy kwantowa teoria pola na zakrzywionych czasoprzestrzeniach i ogólna teoria względności.

Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych teoretyczną i matematyczną fizyką do udziału w seminarium. Niektóre wykłady będą się odbywać zdalnie – gorąco zachęcamy do uczestnictwa w nich słuchaczy spoza Warszawy.


07.03.2025 at 14:15 CEST

Michał Dereziński

will give a talk (room 1.40, Pasteura 5 & online on Zoom):

Randomized Algorithms for Linear Systems: Going Beyond Krylov Subspace Methods

Solving large systems of linear equations has numerous applications across many areas, from partial differential equations to numerical optimization and beyond. Krylov subspace methods such as conjugate gradient have long been the gold standard in this area, thanks to their ability to exploit clusters and outliers in the spectrum of the input matrix to achieve fast convergence. Yet, our recent results have shown that it is possible to improve upon Krylov methods by introducing randomness into the algorithmic procedure. In this talk, I will survey the advantages of randomized algorithms in solving large linear systems, including our new randomized variant of the linear solver originally proposed by Stefan Kaczmarz in 1937, showing that this algorithm exploits large outlying eigenvalues provably better than any Krylov subspace method.
Zoom link: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/2780321940

Date Speaker Title Slides
04.10.2024 Jan Dereziński (KMMF UW) Lamb shift as a problem in mathematical physics
11.10.2024 Krzysztof Jodłowski
(IBS, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)
Covariant quantum field theory of tachyons is unphysical
(There is no seminar this week)
(There is no seminar this week)
08.11.2024 Vladimir Yerokhin (MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany) Two-loop electron self-energy without expansion in binding field and Rydberg constant (online)
15.11.2024 Gregory S. Adkins (Franklin & Marshall College, USA) High Order Calculation of Energy Levels for Two-Body QED Bound Systems (online)
22.11.2024 Krzysztof Pachucki (IFT UW) Testing fundamental interactions with light muonic atoms
29.11.2024 Krzysztof Jodłowski (IBS, Daejon, Republic of Korea) Covariant quantum field theory of tachyons is unphysical II (online)
(There is no seminar this week)
13.12.2024 Mikołaj Misiak (IFT UW) Effective Quantum Field Theories. Part I: From WET to HQET
10.01.2025 Trond Saue (Universite Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, France) Towards molecular QED (online)
17.01.2025 Jan Dereziński (KMMF UW) Are tachyons physical?
24.01.2025 Erik Skibsted (Arhaus University, Denmark) Scattering of N-body systems
28.02.2025 Mikołaj Misiak (IFT UW) Effective Quantum Field Theories. Part II
07.03.2025 Michał Dereziński Randomized Algorithms for Linear Systems: Going Beyond Krylov Subspace Methods
04.04.2025 Bohdan Grządkowski (IFT UW)
11.04.2025 A.V. Kiselev (Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands) Deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds. Part II.

Past seminars: